domingo, 22 de março de 2009


Alguns links interessantes para revistas de educação retirados das referências de conferência international a realizar em Lisboa, em Abril, a V International Conference on Multimedia e ICT in Education.
A International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies pode ser acedida aqui
Para uma leitura mais fácil em português... a revista de Psicologia e Educação Escolar, aqui
Mais uma revista a ler, Learning Media and Techonology, aqui
As referências continuam com o International Journal of Learning Technology, que pode ser acedido aqui

Problemas comuns...a integração das TIC na escola apresentação de estudo realizado na Eslovénia.
How does use of ICT in classroom relate to pedagogical practices and student achievement

Barbara Neža Brečko1

1 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCINECES, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva pl. 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Use of ICT in teaching and learning is becoming an important object of scientific research as well as one of the key components of educational politics in all developed countries.

In Slovenia and many other countries, we can observe a certain paradox – schools are well equipped, have access to the internet for pedagogical purposes and teachers are motivated to use ICT but despite that, we observe ICT is not used to the expected extent – for example, less than half of the mathematics teachers in 12 of the 22 educational systems in SITES 2006 (Second Information Technology in Education Study 2006) reported having used ICT with their target classes.

In the paper we present a study where the factors of successful use of ICT in education were analyzed on the level of teachers, students and schools (principles) at the same time. We studied three segments, where impact of ICT on educational process can be detected. We studied the relation between ICT and school practices, teacher practices and teachers’ competences. On the level of students we studied the relation between use of ICT and ICT literacy and achievement of students on the tests of mathematics, science and reading literacy. In empirical part it means the synthesis of three international studies in education where Slovenia also participated: TIMSS 2007, PISA 2006 and SITES 2006.

In the study we focused on the use and impact of use of ICT in primary education (grade 8) in Slovenia, the research questions were the following:

· Is there a relation between pedagogical orientation of the school and the use of ICT in classroom

· How are teachers' ICT competences related to pedagogical orientation and the use of ICT in classroom

· How is students’ use of ICT in school and at home related to their school achievement

Keywords pedagogical orientation, lifelong learning, student achievement, information communication technology

Mais à frente ... o caso espanhol

M.C. Garrido Arroyo, R. Fernández Sánchez and M.J. Sosa Díaz

Department of Education – University of Extremadura, Avda. de la Universidad s/n, 10071 - Caceres, Spain

When analysing the factors related to the successful implementation of pedagogical innovations using ICT, emphasis has been made of the importance of the configuration and intensity of the factors involved in these processes, more than their identification or description (Nachmias et al, 2004). On this point, many researchers agree (Dede, 1998; Oliver, 2000; Cuban et al, 2001; Colás, 2000; Harris, 2002) that research must focus on understanding successful technological innovations in different contexts. We have come to realise that the impact of technology on learning in complex environments cannot just be approached by analysing the technology alone. In other words, we must discover how the technology becomes integrated in real educational groups and contexts, how technological resources are interpreted and adapted by the users, and how technological changes affect and influence innovation of other dimensions of the educational process such as assessment, management, communication or curricula development. The rapid transformation of Spanish society towards modernity, the impact of technologies supporting this change, or the emergence of new social, educational and economic demands has made it necessary to empower citizens with new instruments. The education system plays a fundamental role in this transformation. To this end, those shaping educational policies must sift through innovative practices to discover solutions to meet the permanently changing requirements of a dynamic society such as Spain’s. The identification, and divulgence of good practices of educational innovation supported by the use of ICT, applied with success in real educational contexts and situations is fundamental for illuminating opinions, paths and ways in which these technologies may be integrated and developed in education. The study presented in this paper had the following objectives: (i) Identify innovative ICT initiatives performed in primary and secondary schools, derived from regional educational policies and (ii) Analyse, interpret and systematise a set of factors and conditions that favour good practices in educational institutions, as well as the difficulties facing the application of these ICT associated processes. The aim is to identify and catalogue ICT innovation projects in primary and secondary schools that have been implemented under the auspices of Extremadura’s regional educational policy. The group of innovations catalogued in the first phase of this research was scaled following a previously established parameter, in accordance with scientific criteria and others regarding quality objectives. These examples of good practices were include different educational fields: teaching practices (contents, activities, training responsibilities, methodological innovations, systems of assessment, etc.); didactic resources (all kinds of educational material in a digital form); school organization (distribution of spaces and times, coordination and assessment, etc.), student learning (modalities of academic activity, typology of learning activities, organization of the contents, cognitive scaffolding, etc.), teaching function (responsibilities developed, new work methods with ICT, new models of training for the development of professional teaching, etc), centre-community relations (dynamics of interrelationship, forms of collaboration, forms of participation and the integration of the community and educational agents -families- into school learning).

Keywords: good practices; pedagogical innovations; information and communication technologies (ICT); Primary School; Secondary School.

O caso português:
The school as learning organization: the specific contribution of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

António J. Neto,1 e Paulo Ramalho da Cunha,2

1 Évora University, Portugal - Associated Teacher

2 Évora University, Portugal - PHD applier

The information and knowledge society (Toffler e Toffler, 2007) where we are merged, demands that school should be a place where you learn to enjoy learning, where you can find a meaning for what you are doing, where you begin a trip to the realm of knowledge, where you may find paths, where you can encourage, motivate and respect the individuals’ own rhythm and feelings. In other words, an education not based simply upon a type of merely passive and reproductive knowledge but, in fact, an education which is the outcome of active thinking, and can keep alive the knowledge you get (Neto, 1999).

School lives on the life that the social players with meaningful roles in it wish to confer upon it. In a society that favours knowledge more and more, school should provide the knowledge, skills, habits and values which cover the variety of the problems and situations the individuals will have to face all through their life, a more unpredictable and changeable way than the one that this institution used trying to give answers to the needs of the past generation (Drucker, 2000).

School, as a crucial element for building the information and knowledge society, should not by any means neglect the role of the ICT in the different educational practices, or it will be held responsible for the increase of the gap between daily life and school reality. It is precisely in this context that the concept of the learning school is born (Senge et al., 2000).

The present paper results of a research made in a private school of the primary education in Portugal and represents a methodological approach that, in global terms, is similar to a case study even though with an intervening character and not only descriptive. It was intended to study the practical use of the potentialities of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by the school community, namely the teachers, the pupils of the eighth grade and their parents.

The empirical study implied, in detail, two long methodological stages. The first one had as its main purpose the actual and consistently structured introduction of the ICT in the school context. With this purpose, and in a partnership with a group of teachers who teach different subjects to the eighth grade of primary education, a computer science platform, called A Turma do Vasquinho, was drawn and implemented.

In the second stage, and based on a set of diversified methodological procedures, among which there stood the questionnaire survey and the half-structured interview, we tried to analyse the way the pupils, their parents and the teachers were evaluating the impact of the educational intervention taking place and, consequently, the integration of the ICT in the school dynamics.

From the evidence found there have emerged substantive indicators which allow us to conclude that the ICT will actually be able to make come true their most precious pedagogical added value, in our opinion: the potential for educational innovation which may transform the way how the education partners (pupils, teachers and parents) learn, feel and live their school life.

Keywords: Education; School; Learning; Primary Education; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Internet, Computer Science Platform.

Nos papers virtuais gostei deste..." The Pedagogical Dog and the Technological Tail"...adopção de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e a importância dos tutores...

Ainda não li todos...

A IV conferência, em 2006, pode ser acedida aqui, e aí constam os artigos apresentados na mesma.

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